Sunday, June 29, 2008

NARUTO's Jutsu Part II

Technique (Jutsu)


1. Sexy Technique (Orioke no jutsu [sexy no jutsu])
One of Naruto's own original techniques. Basically it's henge no jutsu, but the user would transform into a beautiful naked woman. This technique causes nosebleeds but sometimes it doesn't have any affect on the opponent (perverts). But most people (mainly adult males of course) are affected. Even the Third Hokage was defeated by it. Used by: Uzumaki Naruto, Konohamaru

2. Harem skill (Harem no jutsu)
This technique is another of Naruto's comical creations. It basically involves the use of sexy no jutsu and kage bunshin no jutsu combined. Instead of just the one beautiful naked girl, there's a whole group or just more of them. Hence the name Harem. This jutsu is more effective than the sexy no jutsu since 'this causes more nosebleeds'. Used by: Uzumaki Naruto

3. Air Slicing Blast (Zankuuha)
A device implanted in both arms of the user allows the control of supersonic sound waves and air pressure. The device allows the currents to be concentrated in one place, and creates large blasts of air shot from the palms. Used by: Abumi Zaku

4. Shuriken Shadow Replication (Shuriken, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu Shuriken, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu)
A technique that multiplies a thrown object into many exact replicas of the original. It's not just an illusion, it creates real clones that all do real damage. Used by: Sandaime Hokage

5. Armor of Sand (Suna no Yoroi)
Gaara's secondary defense, a thin layer of hard, protective sand that encloses around his entire body. This technique uses up a lot of chakra and also adds a considerable amount of weight to Gaara's body mass. Used by: Gaara of the Desert

6. Beast Human Clonen (Juujin bunshin)
Basically the animal turns into an exact replica of the human and it also works vice-versa. Used by: Inuzuka Kiba, Akamaru, other members of the Inuzuka clan

7. Body substitute skill (Kawarimi no jutsu)
It's implied in the name. The user switches his or her body with a plant, animal or anything for that matter. This is used to escape dangerous situations such as many sharp projectiles being flung at the person. Sometimes you can damage your opponent with this attack even. Used by: Most Shinobi

8. Dance of the Crescent moon (Mikazuki no mai)
A sword technique which creates two clones that attack simultaneously to confuse the opponent. Used by: Gekkou Hayate

9. Demonic Soul Sealing Technique (Fuuinjutsu Shiki Fuujin)
A sealing jutsu. Summons Death himself, which joins with the actions of the user. The Death Lord reaches into a outline of a soul infront of him which is actually the summoner. When the user grabs the enemy, Death extends his hand through the soul outline and comes out from the stomach of the summoner. Death's hand goes into the enemy's stomach where from it literally rips the soul out. After the soul is pulled back into the user, the user says "Fuuin" which means "Seal" in english and this completes the seal of the soul in the user's body. This can be used until the user runs out of energy, and since it is a sealing jutsu, there is a price. The user pays the price with his life, which death devours. The souls of both the user and the target are kept in the belly of the summoning, and are enemies for all eternity. Apparently if the soul is not completely extracted from the body, Death can cut part of it and seal just the part which he has grasped. In Orochimaru's case this was his arms, which are now lifeless and unusable. Used by: Sandaime Hokage, Yondaime Hokage

10. Dead Soul Skill (Shikon no Jutsu)
A jutsu which causes a dead bodies heart to beat for a few minutes. In this time, the user can move dead bodies, to act as targets or diversions. Used by: Yakushi Kabuto

11. Demon Monkey King Summoning (Kyuchiyose - Enkouou Enma)
A Jutsu that summons King Enma (Demon Monkey). Enma is also able to transform into the 'Thunderbolt Staff'. Used by: Sandaime Hokage

12. Desert coffin (Sabaku kyuu)
This jutsu is uses sand to wrap around the victim's body and render them immobile. It can also kill the person by suffocation. Used by: Gaara of the Desert

13. Desert graveyard (Sabaku SouSou)
This technique uses chakra to control sand and have it wrap around the victim's body. The sand then squeezes the victim's body and kills them instantly. Used by: Gaara of the Desert

14. Double Snake Assassination (Souja sousai no jutsu)
This technique is a murder-suicide technique. Both the opponent and the user must die. This is also why it is treated as a forbidden jutsu. Used by: Mitarashi Anko, Orochimaru

15. Earth Element, Earth Rising Wall (Doton Doryuuheki)
A jutsu which when performed, allows the user to spew mud from their mouth, which grows into a large wall or hard earthen material. This wall is able to block most other jutsus, and its extremely durable. Used by: Sandaime Hokage

16. Evil Sealing Method (Fuuja Houin)
Negates the effects of the curse seal, making it much weaker. It the subject cannot contain their emotions, the seal becomes active again. Used by: Hatake Kakashi

17. Fire Element, Fire Dragon Flame Blast (Katon, Karyuu Endan)
A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, in the shape of a large dragon, from the users mouth. Used by: Sandaime Hokage

18. Fire Element, Grand Fireball Technique (Katon, Goukakyuu no Jutsu)
A technique where the user builds up chakra in their chest and blows a large ball of fire from their mouth. Used by: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi

19. Fire Element, Phoenix Fire Technique (Katon, Housenka no Jutsu)
A technique where the user blows multiple fire balls from his mouth. It can also be combined with throwing weapons, which creates weapons engulfed in flames. Used by: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi

20. Five Element Seal (Gogyo Fuuin)
This jutsu is performed by Orochimaru on Naruto while in the forest of death. Using an odd-numbered seal on top of the even-numbered Kyuubi seal, the original Kyuubi seal is strengthened. As a result, Naruto becomes unable to control his chakra, and is unable to tap into his demon fox chakra. Used by: Orochimaru

21. Five Element Unsealer (Gogyo Kaiin)
This jutsu nullifies the Five Element Seal. Jiraiya used it to destroy the Five Element Seal attached to Naruto's stomach by Orochimaru. Allowing him to once again control his chakra, and tap into the chakra of the Kyuubi. Used by: Jiraiya

22. Four Image Seal (Shisou Fuuin)
The seal that Yondaime used to lock the Kyuubi inside Naruto's Stomach. Used by: Yondaime Hokage

23. Four Man Purple Flame Array (Shishienjin)
A co-operation, 4 person jutsu, creates a large purple box shaped barrier used to surround people or battles. Anything that touches the barrier bursts into purple flame. Used by: Sakon, Jiroubou, Kidoumaru,Tayuya

24. Hidden Mist Skill (Kirigakure no Jutsu)
A highly effective cover technique. Blankets an area in a thick fog, confusing the senses of the enemy. Used by: Momochi Zabuza

25. Hidden Snake Hands (Senai Jashuu)
A summoning jutsu that brings snakes into the sleeve of the user, which can move out and attack/grapple anything they want to. Used by: Orochimaru, Mitarashi Anko

26. Immortality Skill (Furou Fushi no Jutsu)
A jutsu that grants the user the ability to project his soul into the world, anchoring the spirit. The user can then find a new body, take control of it, and once again become young. It is a reincarnation ability. Used by: Orochimaru

27. Summoning Reanimation (Kuchiyose Edo Tensei)
A very high level and forbidden summoning skill. The user summons the bodies of the person/people he prefers in wooden boxes with their name on it. After the bodies are summoned the summoner must insert kunais knifes into the summoned bodies. These knives nullify the summoned person's soul and give control of the soul to the summoner.For this summoning human sacrifices must be made so that the soul of those whom were sacrificed can tie the summoned to this world. One person must be killed for one summoned person. Two for two and so on. Used by: Orochimaru

28. Lightning Edge/Chidori (Raikiri/Chidori)
A secret move for assassination purposes. Its secret lies in the speed of the thrust, and the activation of the body to generate a large amount of Chakra. He then concentrates that large amount into the thrusting arm and rushes towards the opponent. This ability causes the body to speed up, and therefore making the attack more deadly. It emits a distinct chirping sound similar to a thousand birds (=Chidori) chirping. It's Kakashi's only original move, and it's said that he once cut through lightning with it, hence its alias: Lightning Edge. Since straight movement is easily countered by the opponent, it's used in combination with the Sharingan. Used by: Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke

29. Mind Body Switch Skill (Shintenshin no Jutsu)
Allows the user to send its spirit energy into another body, and control them. The spirit energy travels slowly, and if it misses, it takes a good amount of time to return to the body. Any damage done to the target while the jutsu is in effect, is also done to the users body. Primarily used for spying, and lasts about 5 minutes. Used by: Yamanaka Ino

30. Puppet Skill (Kugutsu no Jutsu)
Uses a doll as a weapon for combat. The doll is controlled by thin, almost invisible strings that chakra flows down. The chakra brings the doll 'to life', and can be used to switch places with the user, attack, or hide itself as another person. Used by: Kankuro

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